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How much is a silver dime worth?

Whats a Silver Dime Worth?

Whats a Silver Dime Worth?

So you’ve found a silver dime in some loose change huh? You might be wondering to yourself….How much is a silver dime worth nowadays? We will gladly tell you that a 90% silver dime has a melt value of $2.23 So worst case it’s worth $2.23 best case it’s a rare dime and is worth more. Get info on numismatic dime values from CoinTrackers.com (Note: most any dime minted before 1965 is 90%) Current silver spot price is $30.78

Like some more information? – Well what type of dime is it? Click on the image below that best matches the image on your dime.

Roosevelt Dime

Roosevelt Dime

Mercury Dime

Mercury Dime

Barber Dime

Barber Dime