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Silver News

Silver Production By Country

Silver Production By Country

We thought it was time to do a little reasearch and detail and list the worlds silver production by country. Among the top countries are Mexico, China, Peru (might be a surprise), Australia, and Russia. More details below, thanks for reading. While somewhat tied to the gold markets, silver prices declined significantly in 2013, even though trends for both gold and ... Read More »

Largest Silver Mines in the World

Worlds Silver Mines

We’ve taken some time to write an article detailing the largest silver mines in the world. These behemoths make up 35%+ of the silver mined in the entire world. If you are looking to invest in silver mines you might want to start researching one of these. As with any business over the last few years, silver mining has seen gains ... Read More »

Silver Market Overview + 2014 Forcast

2013 Silver Market

For those who use silver as an investment source instead of the stock market, 2013 wasn’t a year to brag about. As a matter of fact, 2013 saw some of the heaviest silver price drops seen in recent years, actually taking the price of silver below prices seen in 2010. For those hoping for a better 2014, you may want ... Read More »